Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Women can knowledge bouts of vaginal lack of moisture during any age, though most mostly notice it during as good as after menopause when estrogen levels fall.  When ongoing lack of moisture occurs during menopause, a condition is called atrophic vaginitis.  The diminution in estrogen causes a vaginal walls to remove a routinely benefaction covering of transparent lubricating fluid.  The ensuing lack of moisture causes vaginal backing to skinny as good as remove elasticity.  This mostly creates retort unpleasant as good as most women knowledge severe or prickly around a vaginal opening.

Vaginal Dryness in Younger Women

Up to seventeen percent of women in between a ages of eighteen as good as 50 knowledge symptoms of vaginal lack of moisture good prior to menopause, or even perimenopause, occur.  While dropping estrogen levels have been customarily obliged for atrophic vaginitis in peri- as good as postmenopausal women, a series of pick factors might means strident vaginal lack of moisture symptoms in younger women.

Causes of Vaginal Dryness Symptoms in Young Women

Lack of passionate arousal during intercourse
Fragranced hygiene products, such as soaps as good as deodorant sprays
Chemicals in swimming pools as good as prohibited tubs
Over a opposite drugs, such as allergy as good as cold medications
Prescription medications, such as sure antidepressants as good as those used to provide endometriosis as good as uterine fibroids
Decreased estrogen levels due to birth as good as breastfeeding
Surgical dismissal of a womanlike reproductive viscera as in prejudiced or full hysterectomy

Vaginal Dryness in Women Over a Age of Fifty

During menopause, a diminution as good as idealisation crude of estrogen prolongation causes a series of mostly unwelcome earthy changes:  prohibited flashes, far-reaching mood swings, a lowered voice, as good as an enlarge in manifest facial hair.  In further to these usual changes, one-third of women will knowledge ongoing vaginal lack of moisture during menopause.  The series rises extremely after menopause ends.  While a bit of vaginal lack of moisture might appear identical to a teenager worry, a condition causes substantial discomfort, impacting a most comparison women who suffer active sex lives.  Vaginal lack of moisture as good as a suffering as good as detriment of agility compared with it can have a profoundly disastrous outcome upon a person’s sex life.

Diagnosis of Vaginal Dryness

Any burning, itching, or suffering in a vaginal area warrants a timely revisit to a gynecologist.  At a visit, a OB/GYN will ask about length of time given symptoms began, tide medications, as good as control a consummate healing history.  He will afterwards perform a pelvic hearing to weigh either redness as good as thinning of a vaginal backing is present.  To discharge pick probable causes, such as infection or cancer, he might additionally ask for a urine sample, pull blood, as good as take cervical cells for lab analysis.

Treatment of Vaginal Dryness

Whether vaginal lack of moisture is caused by low estrogen or a little pick factor, physicians have most remedies accessible to fight a condition as good as revive a full of health vaginal environment.

Treating Dryness Caused By Low Estrogen

Most OB/GYN physicians select accepted estrogen care to fight vaginal lack of moisture symptoms caused by low estrogen levels.  The accepted estrogen plan provides a volume of hormone compulsory to soothe symptoms as good as discomfort, though does not outcome in a tall hormone levels in a red red blood tide caused by verbal hormone deputy care (HRT).  Topical estrogen therapies come in a accumulation of formulations:

Vaginal Estrogen Ring – A medicine inserts this rubber-like ring in to a vagina during an bureau visit.  The ring stays in a vagina for 3 months prior to deputy is necessary.  During which time, a ring releases a consistent upsurge of estrogen without delay in to a vaginal lining.
Vaginal Estrogen Tablet/Capsule – A lady administers this accepted care herself by inserting a dissolvable inscription in to a vagina regulating a disposable applicator identical to those used to insert tampons.  She contingency insert a inscription every day for a initial dual weeks as good as dual times per week afterward as prolonged as needed.
Vaginal Estrogen Cream – A disposable applicator is used by a studious to insert estrogen thickk cream in to a vagina.  Frequency as good as volume rely upon a code of remedy as good as formulation.

Treating Dryness Caused By Other Factors

Physicians can customarily provide vaginal lack of moisture caused by fragranced hygiene products, oppressive soaps, or swimming pool chemicals by recommending patients equivocate these environmental irritants.  Most pharmacies lift a accumulation of water-based lubricants which impersonate a woman’s healthy vaginal fluids.  Used right prior to intercourse, these lubricants can assuage most of a annoy caused by dry vaginal lining.  Women who knowledge lack of moisture due to medication medications should ask their physicians about pick medications or obscure a dosage.

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