Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Natural Treatment for vaginitis

Candida vaginitis is very embarrassing for women, this because of the misconception that it is only a STI which it’s not. You can get a vaginal yeast infection at the easiest change in your vaginal Ph if your immune system is compromised and doesn’t work properly. The causes of vaginal candida are antibiotic intake, a wet and moist vagina, consuming sugar or fermented products, having intercourse with an infected person and others.

Having been a long time BV sufferer I have tried just about every vaginitis treatment I could find, whether from my doctor of from my pharmacist. These treatments all had the same effect, they cleared it up for a little while but I always had a relapse. Below I am going to review the one system I tried that cleared it up for good.


1.    Take Supplements – Any of the vitamins, goldenseal, garlic and Femanol. Femanol is a natural supplement used to cure feminine odors (one of the unpleasant side effects of bv). There also lactobacilli capsules you can take to help increase the good bacteria counts inside your vagina. This way you can naturally fight off the infection.

2.    Dip a tampon in plain yogurt and insert it into your vagina. Repeat this several times a day. The ingredients in the yogurt have the ability to restore the natural balance of the vagina. Another home remedy that has been proven to provide amazing results is garlic. Inserting a clove of garlic into the vagina can knock out a yeast infection in no time. Make sure that you wrap the garlic in an olive oil-soaked piece of gauze and attach a string to it for removal. You definitely don’t want to get a clove of garlic stuck in your vagina!

3.    Yogurt with Live or Active Bacteria Cultures – Easily obtainable, just go to your local grocery store and look for the label that says “live” or “active cultures.” Now you can apply this to your vagina as well. Basically the yogurt contains lactobacilli, a good bacteria, that helps fend off infections and keep your vagina clean. This is a natural inhabitant of your vagina, but when you have BV, the lactobacilli count drops drastically.

4.    Rose Water and Sandalwood Oil – Make a mixture of this, chill it and apply it directly to your vagina with a soft cloth. The sandalwood oil is a natural antimicrobial and the rose-water is an herbal perfume. You can pick these up online for relatively cheap prices. Just make sure to only put the solution, and not just one of each. Sandalwood oil is very strong and HAS to be diluted. It should never be applying to the skin by itself. As long as you mix the two you will be fine.

5.    Prevention is always better than a cure. But for unfortunate sufferers who going through the bulk of it, there is a natural cure that can alleviate the symptoms of vaginitis permanently.

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